Set of 24 letters of the alphabet in 8 base colours, placed within 8 basic shapes
Developmental benefits: Create a hopscotch or double leg jumping obstacle course with these brightly coloured shaped alphabet letters. Designed not only to address gross motor skills of jumping and hopping but to reinforce sequential memory of alphabet letters, learn colours and recognise basic shapes. A special addition allow children to stop and trace the letters on the stickers. This gives sensory and kinetic reinforcement for the formation pattern of each letter essential for efficient handwriting skills.
Circle size: 23x23cm
Square size: 23x23cm
Triangle size: 26x26cm
Hexagon size: 27cm (widest) x 24cm (narrowest)
Diamond size: 40cm (length) x 26cm (width)
Pentagon size: 26x26cm
Star size: 36x36cm
Rectangle size: 28x22cm
Units in set: 24
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