Explore the sensory, learning skills and developmental benefits of Sensory Corridors

Evidence based research continues to show that including movement into a child’s everyday routine at school can be beneficial to their academic success. A moving child is a more regulated child who is in a better space to learn.

Sensory Pathway Floor Decals by Sensory Corridors
Sensory Pathway Floor Stickers by Sensory Corridors

What are the Sensory Benefits?

Designed to engage all the senses, these sensory stickers incorporate heavy work activities which provide deep intensive stimulation to the muscles and joints and incorporate spinning, jumping, hopping and tipping of the head. This leads to increased alertness, increased attention and increased calmness.

The Sensory Corridor component stickers and themes are designed by an Occupational Therapist with training and experience in both Neurodevelopmental Therapy and Sensory Integration Therapy. They address areas of balance, core muscle strength and co-ordination as well as integration of information from all the sensory systems.

What Developmental and Learning Skills are involved?

These fun and interactive sensory pathways not only address sensory-motor foundation blocks essential for normal child development, but they are designed to engage, stimulate and develop other skills that directly affect a child’s function e.g. sport, handwriting, play, hand skills and reading.

Sticker Decals for Sensory Pathways by Sensory Corridors

Sensory Corridors stickers are designed to maximize sensory input to address:

  • Muscle tone and core muscle strength
  • Postural stability
  • Postural control and balance
  • Bilateral integration
  • Motor planning
  • Midline crossing
  • Left right discrimination, directionality and lateralisation
  • Gross motor/whole body movement skills
  • Visual spatial skills

Other cognitive and learning skills that will benefit from the Sensory Corridors include:

  • Attention and concentration
  • Regulation of attention, behavior and emotions
  • Number and letter formation patterns
  • Visual sequential and Auditory sequential memory skills
  • Working memory skills
  • Basic Concepts i.e. colour, shape, size, counting, naming, number concept

For children with learning challenges

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder): Frequent movement breaks and physical activity help children with ADHD control aggression and regulate anxiety, behavior and attention. Opportunity to move during school hours is proven to assist in all areas of regulation.

Sensory Processing Disorder: Many children just need more movement and more sensory input to ground their bodies for focused attention and learning. The Sensory Corridor provides what these children need - a meaningful sensory based activity that meets the needs of individual children but also engages peers to avoid feelings of segregation.

Dyspraxia: Children with dyspraxia need frequent opportunities to plan the movement of their bodies, execute and repeat simple motor skills. The Sensory Corridors allow children with motor planning difficulties regular practice to better their skills which can then be generalized to other play experiences.

Weak core muscles: Children with weak core muscles need fun playful strengthening movement opportunities. Weak core muscles result in poor sitting posture and tolerance. Developing efficient fine motor control and handwriting skills needs a stable foundation of core strength.
